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Valuation company of the year 2019 - London

Global valuation company of the year 2020
Dr. Fernando Scarpati
CEO‘s Message
“In our increasingly competitive world, attaining success depends on a deliberate recognition and measurement of the external and internal risk-value factors affecting your company in the mid-long term.
Although the financial crisis was partly driven by inaccurate risk assessment in valuation practices, the established valuation industry still conducts basic analytic approaches limited to the regulatory guidelines. As a consequence, the complexity of today’s markets is not reflected thus depriving decision-makers of key information.
Our approach identifies and assesses all internal and external business drivers and considers all possible scenarios using advanced probabilistic and uncertainty analysis. Our advanced valuation models reflect the true volatility of all business and market phenomena, asset values as well as the likelihood of different outputs. As a result, we can effectively support our clients in complex business decisions.
Today, institutional investors tend to select project / companies with Entrepreneurs / Managers who previously worked on an independent valuation and are able to rationally measure the risks involved in the long term. Our advanced valuation provides Entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to formulate a communication approach that shows investors their strategy is world-class”.
Why Independent & Advanced Valuations
- To identify and understand the value drivers of a business in the long term.
- To measure the impact of the risks affecting the company in the mid and long term.
- To create realistic and unbiased valuation models using uncertainty / predictive analysis.
- To calculate the Var (value at risk) and analyse the value of the company in the light of a probabilistic distribution which includes all possible scenarios that its drivers may generate.
- To mitigate business risk and develop a strategic value creation plan.
- To make sure the company’s strategy is capturing the best opportunities the markets are offering.
- To review the strategy and business model in light of the fast-changing markets.
- To evaluate all the possible impacts of each driver on the value of the company.
- To take strategic decisions.
High Quality Products & Services
Advanced Multidimensional Valuation
Long term forecasts are stochastic and driven by volatile variables. Our valuations are aimed at improving both value and strategic decisions at any stage of the business. It is also for businesses committed to protect and create value.
Impact Valuation
We assess “Environmental and Social Impact” as an extra dimension to the traditional ones, risk and return: Impact and Value are not separated entities and we also assess impact as a mean to identify business opportunities and increase financial returns.
Advanced Financial and Risk Modelling
For Private Equities, Companies, Start-ups CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CROs, and analysts needing support in the elaboration of advanced Monte Carlo based stochastic models aimed at managing business variables and risks at a much deeper level. Our models analyse a business from every angle.
Cryptocurrencies, ICO Valuation & Modelling
Our valuation is aimed at measuring the value for shareholders, Investors, stakeholders and society. It will allow management to assess decisions, trade-offs and sacrifices into their business model. It leads to multidimensional decision-making and actions. It is the product of the processes of connectivity and multidimensional thinking in the organization.
Integrated Reporting
For Companies, Shareholders and Stakeholders looking to monitor and create long term value by measuring the variables in all the dimensions of the business which go beyond traditional financial reporting. Today, an organization creates value not only for its shareholders but also for the society as a whole by means of a sustainable strategy.
Strategic Decisions & Value Scorecard
For Companies, Shareholders and Stakeholders looking to monitor and create long term value by measuring all internal and external variables impacting the business and its strategy. Our Advanced financial and strategic reporting / value balanced scorecard is aimed at measuring and monitoring the shareholders value of the company’s strategic decisions.
Our Main Sectors
Our major sectors include but are not limited to the following

Private Equity
Our independent advanced valuations and risk models based on Monte Carlo simulation offer a much deeper perspective and improve decision making process: Since PEs cannot diversify risk completely given the few number of investments, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) alone might underestimate risk. For this reason, we identify and measure each single driver as well as the risk profile of the investment in terms of Standard Deviation, Kurtosis, and Skewness.

Oil and Gas
We offer many services to support the decision making process of the oil and gas sector. Our advanced Monte Carlo based techniques allow us to use probabilistic scenarios according to different studies, site location, well characteristics, drilling uncertainty, etc. We reflect uncertainties in schedules, discoveries, finance and resource constraints using probabilistic analysis. Our forecasts measure volatility and standard deviations based on history and market expectations.

Our advanced approach allow us to deliver strategic, economic and risk modelling solutions. We assess the value of each division and type of service detailing: Rooms, Food and Beverages, Spa, Casinos, and Other Activities. Using our databases and market analysis, we also Position the Hotel and its peers according to Rating, Price and other strategic variables in order to determine its underdeveloped potential for forecasting and decision making purpose.

Bio Technology & Pharmaceutical
We offer many services to support the decision making process of the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry during all its stages of development (fundraising, pre-clinical trial , clinical trial, commercial start up, early stage, mature stage, etc). Our advanced Monte Carlo based techniques allow us to deliver valuation, strategic, economic and risk modelling solutions as well as advanced quantitative approaches.

Consumer Goods
We offer many services to support the decision making process of the Consumer Goods industry projects and companies including the valuation of Brands and Intangible Assets. By using our databases, market analysis and advanced approach, we are able to identify and measure all market drivers and market scenarios. Our valuations include: Current Value, Restructured added value, Strategic Value, and Synergistic added Value.

Renewable Energy
As the Renewable Energy Industry matures, investors become more professional and demand more sophisticated analysis leading to better investment decisions. In times when prices for renewable energy continue to decline and market integration steadily increases, accurate valuations and financial planning is becoming more important. We offer decision support for projects at different stage of development.

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