BV International

Our Clients

The profile of our clients


Our Valuation Service is for investors (private equity, strategic investors, private investors, family offices, M&A agencies, etc.), looking for an independent valuation and advice in assessing future strategies and risks.

Our valuation service and professional advice are the key elements to approach a
professional investor and capture his attention.

The best-managed organisations increasingly recognise that information is the most valuable strategic asset. BVint
provides the information and value creation plan by identifying market and strategic opportunities.

The process of recovery and investment in a turnaround is based on the assessment of the situation in terms
of markets, competitors, strategy, risk and value. As consequences, a value creation plan is defined and presented it to potential

We deliver independent valuations to avoid conflicts of interest that may arise when firms that offer a variety
of services are hired to perform business valuations for current or prospective clients.

Our approach measures advanced risk indicators like Kurtosis, Skewness and Standard
Deviation of any illiquid asset class investment. These indicators give us the complete picture of an investment risk profile (systematic and
unsystematic risk) and allow us to find the most efficient portfolio in terms of skewness, kurtosis and standard deviations.

Some of our clients

advanced valuation

Private Equity

advanced valuation
Private Bank
advanced valuation

Big Data

company valuation methods


advanced valuation


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Clients’ Testimonials

Looking for a first-class business valuation consultant?


Berkeley Suite

35 Berkeley Square

Mayfair, London



Rue de Genève 18 Case postale 306 1225 Chêne‑Bourg Switzerland


6 Sir William Reid Street, Gzira, Malta​

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